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Comparative National Security_M4A1 - How Does DIME Work

Comparative National Security_M4A1 - How Does DIME Work

Q ? The movie Syriana describes what could well be a real life story in any United Arab Emirate. A number of elements of national power are described in this movie. The way these elements are applied to economic, sociological and derivative circumstances creates a poignant series of events which are repeating themselves daily in the current Middle East. It is a complex plot, which might require you to watch the movie more than once. Middle Eastern analysts have the benefit of years and years of experience. The movie is full of little details which are very insightful. Rent/purchase and watch the movie Syriana and compose a 5-8 page (not including the cover and reference pages) position paper thoroughly discussing the following questions. APA citations are expected, an abstract is not. 1. Which Emirate is depicted in Syriana and which elements of DIME do you see at work? 2. In your opinion what is the most important element of DIME at play and why? 3. Is Diplomacy always available? 4. What are the elements of DIME available to Saudi Arabia? 5. What are the elements of DIME available to Burundi? 1. Which Emirate is depicted in Syriana and which elements of DIME do you see at work?

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The portrayed presented in the movie Syriana was by what means foreigners are being ill- treated and by what means the foreign worker functioning in UAE are ill-treated. It was regarding the time during which an activity that was anti-social occurred in Arab and UAE. The phase was when every person going to UAE to find work and after functioning for a long time period there and after acquisition of the faithfulness of the Arabian treatment was received by them as slaves.